Chelyabinsk region reduces budget deficit

Public hearings on the draft budget law of the Chelyabinsk region for 2015 were held in the region. According to the governor of the region, Boris Dubrovsky, civil society can help to identify most important areas of development.

"The main problem of these broad discussions is that all the proposals related to the adjustment of the budget should be based on simple logic. If we increase spending somewhere, then one needs to understand where we take the money from for that. That said, we either reduce costs or increase revenue.

"One should understand that it is impossible to increase costs even on most important areas of life. Public hearings act as a tool that allows many people, interested people, who represent certain areas and groups of interests, to explain publicly, to show real income of the region, and for what this money will be spent. One should explain the complexity of the balance that a legislative assembly of a subject of the Federation must find to reduce the budget to this balance, - Viktor Klimov, deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development told Pravda.Ru. - This is a very important process, especially when it goes in an open and public manner, as it removes a lot of misconceptions of citizens about the amount of money in their region, about the way this money is spent and how the authorities conduct these processes. The more people understand the real picture, the less speculation it will generate."

The public hearings on the draft law of the regional budget were open to anyone. The key parameters of the budget bill and principles of its formation are available in a special section on the website of the regional Ministry of Finance.

The main achievement is the annual reduction of the budget deficit through efficient development of the economy of the Chelyabinsk region.

"Our goal is too explain the logic of the formation of the regional budget, to report what articles of expenditure will remain secure, and to answer questions, - said Boris Dubrovsky. - People should know what indicatives of the Development Strategy will be achieved and why these areas were selected as priorities." 


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