Tuva turns abandoned facilities into socially important objects


The authorities of the Tuva republic will strictly regulate the development of local territories. Every neighborhood should represent a harmonious architectural ensemble and provide an integral functional system of infrastructure.

Special attention will be paid to abandoned construction objects. Separate decisions will be made for each of such objects. "Some of those objects will be deprived of owner rights to be delivered to more efficient owners, even if it is for free. Some others will be bulldozed. It will be up to irresponsible owners, who will have to demolish their abandoned objects themselves," the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool said.

"My view is to give them away. It's better than keep those dilapidated buildings as they are, - Ilya Lezhava, the head of the department of urban development of the Moscow Architectural Institute, Doctor of Architecture, academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, told Pravda.Ru. - One must bring all this in order, and the fact that the Tuva authorities are taking efforts in this direction is a positive indicator."

"There should not be such objects inside cities or in residential areas, - Irina Irbitskaya, the director of the Center for Urban Competence of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russia, laureate of international and national awards in the field of architecture and urban planning, told Pravda.Ru. - I praise efforts for the solution of this question in Tuva, especially if such socially useful facilities as cafes or gyms appear instead."

Indeed, in Tuva, many formerly abandoned objects have now become landmark facilities in local towns and villages. Instead of dilapidated buildings, new gyms, garages, cafes, kindergartens, bakeries, shops and workshops have been built.



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