Magadan region develops economy to improve standard of living

In connection with the decision of the federal government to organize advanced development zones, a strategy of socio-economic development before 2030 was developed in the Magadan region, Pravda.Ru reports.

"We support this direction, since it gives an opportunity to use benefits of certain territories to the fullest, while taking weak points into account, - the head of the region, Vladimir Pecheny said. - In the Magadan region, it is planned to create five zones of advanced development."

"Of course, every region should develop its own form, Roman Khudyakov, first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee for Regional Policy and Affairs of North and Far East, said in an interview with Pravda.Ru. - As for Magadan, one should, in the first place, consider natural phenomena and natural resources. We suggested a while back each region should develop proposals that would subsequently be submitted to the State Duma. We will consider and support these proposals," he said.

The Magadan region currently implements several large investment projects. Additional tax benefits were introduced in the beginning of the year for the organizations that implement the projects.

"For such regions of Russia as Chukotka, the Magadan region and Kamchatka, this approach is quite reasonable, - researcher at the Sector for Socio-Cultural Development of Russian Regions at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Krill Podyachev said. - I am very pleased that the government thinks about it and started developing the Far East."

As a result of the actions of the regional authorities, the living standard of the population has been growing.

"For the second consecutive year, the birth rate in the region exceeds the death rate, - said Vladimir Pecheny. - Executive authorities take measures to preserve the human capital and create better conditions for living. We will use all opportunities for the development and prosperity of the region, to attract domestic and foreign investors, to strengthen the economic breakthrough of the region to ultimately improve the quality of life of the population."

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