Russia not giving Crimea back to Ukraine ever


Russia is not going to give the Crimea back to Ukraine after the election of the new head of state, Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov said.

"The Crimea is a region of the Russian Federation, so the question of its entry into Ukraine is not being discussed," said Peskov. The official also said that he did not know whether whether the Russian president was going to congratulate the newly elected president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. "Earlier, the President clearly stated its position and specified what scenario would have been best from his perspective. Nevertheless, the elections have been held as they were held, and Vladimir Putin's position has not changed, it remains the same,"
said the presidential spokesman.

On Monday, the leader of the presidential election campaign Petro Poroshenko announced his intention to sue Russia over the Crimea. The agreement about the inclusion of the Crimea in the structure of the Russian Federation as a new entity was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and representatives of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Later, the Ukrainian authorities and a number of Western countries said that they would not recognize the Crimea as a part of Russia.

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