Nizhny Novgorod strives to increase life expectancy among local residents

The Nizhny Novgorod region summed up the results of the implementation of the program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care for residents in 2013.

The work was organized on the basis of main causes of death among the population. In particular, it was possible to expand the network of primary vascular departments and regional vascular centers that already proved their effectiveness. Currently, the region has eleven primary departments and two regional centers. In 2013, deaths from cardiovascular diseases decreased by 2.2%.

"In addition, all control indicators to reduce mortality from heart attacks and strokes in inpatient units have been achieved along with indicators to restore lost functions and preserve patients' ability to self-service," said the Minister of Health of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Alexander Kartsevsky.

High-tech medical care has become more available to people. This is evidenced by the amount of cardiac surgeries (larger than expected), rehabilitation treatment for working patients, and the moves to meet the needs for expensive treatment in federal clinics.

The federal standard for visits with prophylactic purposes was over-fulfilled by 32 percent. This is due to a large volume of clinical examination of children and adults. The number of physicians has increased by 1.5% and amounted to 34.83 physicians per 10,000 people, provided that the target is 33.

Positive trends are evident. However, according to the head of the region, Valery Shantsev, one should not relax. On the contrary, success should give a new, more powerful impetus to further work. Since the Nizhny Novgorod region has been paying a lot of attention to creating centers for various kinds of high-tech medical care, one needs to increase the volume of these services in the coming years to make them available to more people. Further work needs to be done to improve working conditions and remuneration of medical workers. The primary goal is to increase life expectancy of Nizhny Novgorod residents.

"The goal is to increase life expectancy by 2018 to 74 years, vs. today's 69.8 years. We need to continue to reduce mortality from diseases of circulatory organs, tumors, tuberculosis, and to struggle thoroughly with mortality in car accidents. Certainly, it is necessary to strengthen the system of outpatient care, primarily through reorganization, re-equipment and introduction of hospital replacement technology," the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region said.

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