International experts praise Russia's geopolitical role

International experts specializing on Russia took part in the survey of  Valdai Club about the development of the Russian Federation. The experts praised the geopolitical importance of the country. According to them, Russia has consolidated its position as one of the major players in today's multipolar world. 

The calculations of the "Valdai Index" had been conducted during the last four years. The survey involved 87 respondents from 26 countries - Armenia, Austria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Israel, India, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, the USA, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Switzerland, Estonia, South Korea and Japan. The proportion of foreigners among the experts made up 76 percent.

The experts pointed out the success of cultural diplomacy in the country and the growth of traditionalist values, including the decline in  the level of tolerance towards migrants and members of the LGBT community. There were concerns expressed as well. In particular, the work of non-systemic opposition was called weak in comparison with  the "explosive" period in 2012. The positive role of Russia in the settlement of the Syrian conflict was pointed out separately.

The analysts said that the perception of Russia abroad became worse  as compared to the previous year. Russia was called a "supplier" of controversial events. This was tied to the conflict with human rights organizations, as well as rising anti-American sentiments and the deterioration of relations with Ukraine.

Russia received highest estimates on the activities of APEC and G20 summits. Also, experts positively expressed Russia's activities in such organizations as SCO, CIS, CSTO.

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