World and Clergy exhibition takes place in Kaluga region

The sixth exhibition-fair "World and Clergy" took place in Kaluga in November, with the blessing of Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk, as well as with the support of the regional government. This year, the exhibition received the international status. It presented churches and monasteries of Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, Israel, and regions of Russia.

The fair opened with a procession with the icon of the Holy Martyr, Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fyodorovna - the main holy item of the exhibition. Icon painters from Kaluga were painting the icon the whole year. The icon will be given to the church of St. Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem. Until then, the icon will be a symbol of "World and Clergy". Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk paid a prayer service in front of the icon.

The Governor of the Kaluga region Anatoly Artamonov and Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Victor Baburin attended the opening ceremony.

The main holy item of the fair was the Pochaevskaya Icon of Holy Mother of God painted , in the ancient Pochaevsky Monastery, located in the Ternopil region of Ukraine, with particles of holy relics of reverend miracle-worker Job and Amfilohy Pochaev.

This icon is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. It is known throughout the Slavic world: it is revered in Russia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and other places. The miraculous icon has been staying in the Pochaevsky Lavra, an ancient stronghold of Orthodoxy, for about 400 years. Monastery books contain descriptions of numerous cases of healings from incurable ailments by the prayers of sinners who addressed to the icon.

This year, the exhibition changed its venue and was arranged in Galanthus complex. Orthodox stands presented icons, spiritual and educational literature, the goods of monastery farms. Kaluga residents received a unique opportunity to learn more about the life of distant monasteries.

The exhibitors presented a wide range of family-oriented products: clothing and footwear, household goods and appliances, health and skin care products, honey harvested in 2012. It should be noted that there was a wide range of beekeeping products presented: from cotton, chestnuts, or from wild bees, honey of different properties, but of highest quality.

The cultural program was designed not only for adults but also for children. Representatives of social rehabilitation centers of the Kaluga region attended the opening ceremony. It took them nearly a year to get ready for the fair. For the Kirov orphanage, for example, the exhibition became a holiday that had to be earned. Students brought hand-made items, which, in addition to the decorative purpose, were also practical - for example, hot pads. Children's social rehabilitation centers of the Kaluga region received 200 kilograms of honey.

The program of master classes presented traditional crafts of beads, traditional rag dolls and clay toys. A professional director put up a real costume play with young visitors, which was immediately staged.

The traditional boo-exchange event "Knigovorot" offered Kaluga residents an opportunity to exchange books. Each visitor, bringing books from their personal library, could exchange them with other visitors and donate other books to libraries and children's homes of the Kaluga region.

According to deputy chairman of the Department of the Moscow Patriarchate for Church and Society, Georgy Roshchin, such events are "certainly important" for both the Church and the people. "First of all, these exhibitions are held for the people of God. Not only for believers, but for those people who, one way or another could show interest, because there are educational, economic, and spiritual activities of various monasteries and dioceses of our church presented at the exhibition. Many of them are located far away and are hard to reach, so it is  not always possible to get to know them personally. Of course, such exhibitions give the profile of the church life that exists not only in Russia, but throughout the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church," Father Georgy told Pravda.Ru and added: "The profile of Orthodox faith is heterogeneous and this is its beauty. "

"Orthodox faith and Russian national security" round table discussion took place within the scope of the "World and Clergy" exhibition and fair. The participants of the meeting discussed the problems of the Russian civilization identity, the creation, preservation and strengthening of its concept. The meeting focused on the protection of humanitarian sovereignty of Russia, the concept of unified society and the legal status of the Russian people.

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, executive and legislative authorities, local authorities and the scientific community, the military and law enforcement officers, teachers and students of government educational institutions, NGO leaders and  business representatives took part in the round table discussion.

"The exhibition and fair in Kaluga is an opportunity to share traditions and experience in religion. "World and Clergy" is a good example at this point. For  example, monasteries and churches in remote areas may not always sell their products, which help them carry on business activities of monasteries and temples. Fairs ad exhibitions like that provide a social outreach, and communication between people," concluded Father Georgy.

Ekaterina Polyanskaya


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