Yegor Borisov summed up the importance of the work in Yakutia

On August 13, at the meeting with the leadership of the Presidential Administration and the Government of Yakutia, Yegor Borisov summarized the work of the past week that was filled with important events for the republic.

In July, Yakutsk hosted the 12th International Forum "Roads of Russia - 21st century", organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Federal Road Agency. They discussed the prospects of development of road infrastructure in the country and the adoption of specific solutions. This is an increase in state support for the maintenance of national roads of federal importance - "Lena," "Kolyma," and "Viluy."

After the visit of the Minister of Transport of Russia Maxim Sokolov to Yakutia, and meetings with Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Arkady Dvorkovich, conditions for the construction of a bridge across the Lena were specified. The construction of the bridge will be implemented in two stages. The first stage will enable car travel, the second stage - the railway. In the best case scenario the construction of the first stage will begin in 2013.

Yegor Borisov attended a meeting with the Russian Security Council Secretary in Krasnoyarsk, where he addressed the issues of transport security in the regions of Siberia and the Far East, including the Arctic zone. The head of Yakutia said that Krasnoyarsk at the federal level must implement a comprehensive target program for the development of the Arctic, including its transportation, and not a subprogram, as proposed today by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

The head of Yakutia also attended a meeting led by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Novosibirsk. The participants discussed issues of regional air transportation. Yegor Borisov spoke about the need for subsidies from the federal budget for preferential categories of citizens living in the Far East.

Yegor Borisov announced the agreements reached during the meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich in Moscow. In addition to the approved construction of the bridge across the Lena river, the most difficult aspects concerning the implementation of the integrated schemes of development of productive forces, Transport and Energy of the Republic, especially the development of the South Yakutian projects, were discussed.

"There is a need to adjust the project to reflect the changes situation in the global markets, in particular, uranium. Some things have to be reviewed. This is an objective picture. However, the projects remain on the agenda, they are supported by the Russian government and all interested parties," said Yegor Borisov.

Summing up the visit to Yakutia of Minister of Agriculture of Russia Nikolai Fyodorov, Yegor Borisov said that his main goal for the country was achieved. "The Minister saw that because of the climatic peculiarities of our country, we cannot meet the uniform federal standards for a number of positions. He confirmed that a uniform approach to all regions in the respective programs will be reconsidered. Plus, he fully shares our opinion that the regions that maintain their agriculture should be adequately supported. The size of federal grants to support the reindeer and horse breeding country will increase significantly. We used to get no more than 100-150 million rubles, this year it will be the 800 million".

A few days ago Youth Educational Forum "SahaSeliger" was completed in Us Khatyn. Yegor Borisov gave a positive estimate to the event, saying that the Forum has established itself as an interesting and useful platform for a dialogue of the talented creative young people of the Far East. "SahaSeliger" is to be held annually.

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