Masterpieces of UNESCO in Olonkho Land festival strengthens cultural ties

The second international festival "Masterpieces of UNESCO in Olonkho Land"  continues working in Yakutsk. The festival takes place within the scope of the International Sports Games "Children of Asia". A press conference of representatives of Italy, Mongolia, the Republic of Bangladesh and old believers  of Transbaikalye took place July 12 at the House of Peoples' Friendship named after A.E. Kulakovsky.

The list of the participants of the festival is really impressing. Here are just a few of them: Indonesian puppet show Wayang, Theatre of Wandering Puppets Namsadan Nori from South Korea, Chinese opera Kuntsyuy, wandering musicians from Bangladesh, Italian Opera dei Pupi.

"Crowded halls prove that our audience is interested in cultural diversity. This is the reason why we have organized this festival," the Minister of Culture and Spiritual Development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Andrei Borisov, said at the conference.

The participants of the festival are carriers of oral folk arts included on the List of Masterpieces of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. They told the conference about the peculiarities of the ethnic groups that hey represent. The festival allowed its participants to represent their people, traditions and culture, and also get acquainted with other cultures. "It's my first time in Yakutia, and I am very glad that I came here," - a performer of folk music on the Mongolian instrument morinhur, Tishinzhargal Tseesuren said.  "The festival gives us an ability to communicate and share experiences. I hope to attend similar festivals in the future."

Director of the Sicilian puppet theater Opera dei Pupp, Rosario Perricone, highlighted the importance of the cultural dialogue: "The event like your festival is very important because it allows to establish a dialogue between the cultures of different peoples. Such dialogues provide development of culture in the future. My great thanks and many, many compliments to the Ministry of Culture and the art director of the festival."

According to Culture Minister Andrei Borisov, the grand concert of masterpieces of UNESCO, which will take place on July 13, spectators will be able to see that all of these masterpieces are very close to each other. "At the heart of each of them is a real culture of the people who created these masterpieces. If we learn to understand each other, to understand the ancient symbols, then there will be fewer wars in the world. We plan to develop further and expand the geography. Understanding the importance of the festival, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation provides us with great support. So, get ready for new meetings, " said Andrei Borisov.

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