Russian prison rioters ask for helicopter and two million dollars

The prisoners who seized Penal Colony No. 19 in the Volgograd region have made their demands. They want a helicopter and two million dollars.

The rioters said that a helicopter with two million dollars on board should land on the territory of the prison. If the helicopter is pursued, they threaten to execute hostages.

On the afternoon of August 23, several people were taken hostage in penal colony No. 19 in the town of Surovikino in the Volgograd region. The riot sparked during a meeting of the disciplinary commission.

According to most recent reports, the rioters have taken four people hostage. Prison chief Andrei Devyatov is believed to be one of the hostages. At least three prison employee were killed, several others were injured. There is no official information about the number of victims.

The attackers declared their affiliation with the Islamic State (terrorist organization, banned in Russia).

According to unconfirmed reports, several prison employees — from one to three people — were killed in the attack.

Special forces are preparing to storm the colony. Currently, measures are being taken to free the hostages, representatives of the regional Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia said.

There are a total of 1,230 prisoners in the colony. 

Author`s name
Pavel Morozov