Ukrainian military start 'pressing from all sides' in Kursk region

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have changed their tactics in conducting military operations in the Kursk region in the wake of the failure, General Apti Alaudinov, an associate of the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, the commander of Akhmat unit of Chechen special forces said.

According to Alaudinov, the AFU planned to take control of the entire Kursk region several days ago, on August 11. However, their plans did not come to fruition. The enemy then "began to press from all sides." The Ukrainian military "are starting to push against all sides" and are thus trying to divide the Russian military, Alaudinov also said.

The Ukrainians will not succeed, Kadyrov's associate indicated. The situation in the border region is under control, and the Russian military continue to annihilate and block Ukrainian troops on the territory of the region.

Ukrainian fighters could not take control of Sudzha, Apti Alaudinov also said commenting on media reports about Zelensky's "blitzkrieg" in Russia.

Ukrainian publication TSN published a report about the capture of the Russian town of Sudzha by the Ukrainian troops. However, the correspondent was reporting while being in Sumy. The video showed Ukrainian military men removing the Russian flag and throwing it on the ground. It was impossible to determine where the video was filmed. It was later revealed that reports about the complete transfer of the city under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine found no confirmation.

Author`s name
Andrey Mihayloff