Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the completion of the special military operation, Telegram channel Kremlin.News reports.
During an online meeting with the families of those awarded the Orders of Parental Glory and Mother Heroine, the head of state talked to a family from Donetsk. The family turned to Putin and said that it would be easier for them if they knew when the special operation would end.
"This will definitely happen. In the end, everything will fall into place, and your children will find their places — in life, in business,” the president said.
In December 2023, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said that special operation would end in June or July 2024. The politician also said that if he had made decisions on his own, the conflict would have ended in three months.
Kadyrov also noted that the duration of the conflict is related to the special task that Vladimir Putin set for the military.
The Order of Parental Glory is a state award of the Russian Federation. It was established on May 13, 2008 by presidential decree 775 to reward deserving parents of exceptionally large families. The Order's statute was amended on September 7, 2010 by presidential decree 1099, the same document established the Medal of the Order of Parental Glory. The Order of Mother Heroine is an honorary title for mothers who gave birth and raised 10 or more children.