Military correspondent Sladkov: Putin not ready to see Kyiv in ruins

Russian President Vladimir Putin told military correspondents Alexander Sladkov and Yevgeny Poddubny a year ago that he was not ready to see Kyiv in ruins.

"People ask me: "When are we going to win?” It can be even tomorrow, but ordinary Ukrainians need to understand something. I will never forget what the president said to me and Yevgeny Poddubny a year ago: "I am not ready yet to see Kyiv in ruins." Pray to God, former Ukrainian brothers, that he is not ready still," the military correspondent wrote on Telegram commenting about Russian strategic arms.

According to him, the start of the special military operation in Ukraine was dissicult due to the fact that all forces were directed to the strategic level of Russia's military potential.

Author`s name
Andrey Mihayloff