Ukrainian forces lose three Leopard tanks during night offensive

The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost more than 30 tanks, including three Leopard tanks, during a night offensive in the Zaporozhye (Zaporizhzhia) direction, Commander of the group of the Russian Armed Forces in the Zaporozhye direction, Colonel-General Alexander Romanchuk said.

"The enemy offensive was preceded by powerful fire preparations, the enemy delivered air strikes, and missile troops attacked the positions of our troops,” he said.

According to Romanchuk, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an offensive at 2 a.m.

The Ukrainian military suffered first serious losses when they entered the minefields.

In total, as a result of Russian air and artillery strikes, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 350 people, more than 30 tanks and over 10 infantry fighting vehicles.

The Russian Ministry of Defence showed the destruction of armoured vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction. The video was published on the Telegram channel of the department.

The footage shows a column of Ukrainian armoured vehicles, including German Leopard 2 tanks. Smoke is coming out of the turret of one of them, the tank is on fire. Other Leopard tanks appear to be immobilised as well.

Author`s name
Marina Lebedeva