US admits Russian kamikaze drone destroys German TRML-4D radar in Ukraine

Ukraine's Infra Red Imaging System Tail (IRIS-T) air defence system was destroyed in a Russian drone attack, The Drive said.

The US-based publication referred to a video that showed a drone attack on a TRML-4D radar station. The destroyed IRIS-T air defence system was the only one that Ukraine received, the publication also said.

In addition to the radar, the launcher of the air defence system could also be hit.

According to The Drive, the IRIS-T was destroyed by Russian Lancet drone. The TRML-4D radar was introduced in 2018 — this is a state-of-the-art German radar.

The Russian Ministry of Defence showed the video of the Lancet-3 drone striking the Ukrainian radar station of the IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system.

The Lancet-3 is the largest UAV of the Lancet family. This vehicle is also referred to as suicide or kamikaze drone. The Lancet drone was developed by the Russian company Zala Group, a subdivision of the Kalashnikov Concern.

The Lancet-3 is designed to fly to a specific location, loiter in the area, and then attack a target. The drone is equipped with cameras and other sensors that enable the UAV to track targets and destroy them with precision.

Author`s name
Marina Lebedeva