Ukrainian servicemen get drugged and walk like zombies in their attacks

Ukrainian saboteurs get drugged so much they do not feel gunshot wounds, a Russian soldier with the call sign Crimea said, RIA Novosti reports.

The unit, in which the soldier was fighting, came across a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but the Ukrainian servicemen started acting strangely when the Russian troops opened fire on them.

"We would shoot them, but they would keep on moving like zombies," the soldier said. "The wounded were walking on and smiling," he added.

On October 19, Mikhail Shvets, a captured sergeant of the Azov* Regiment (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) confirmed that the Ukrainian military would not immediately respond to wounds due to the influence of drugs.

"There were fighters from the DPR here, and they said that when they would shoot a Ukrainian soldier, he would stand up and keep on walking. The drugs made them feel no pain," he said.

According to Shvets, AFU fighters spoke of "yellow ampoules and some kind of syringe.” When asked whether those were American drugs, Shvets answered affirmatively.

In addition, Vitaly Katranich, a senior sergeant of the 74th separate reconnaissance battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, also said that his comrades-in-arms would take amphetamine during sabotage attacks. The drug helped them stay awake for two or three days in a row. When they were within friendly lines, they would prefer alcohol to drugs.

In September, National Guard officers discovered several arms caches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in which, in addition to hundreds of kilograms of explosives, there were 284 grams of drugs.

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