Against the backdrop of growing tensions, Russia started redeploying attack helicopters to the Crimea, as well as to the coast of the Sea of Azov. It goes about dozens of military helicopters that will be used to contain the troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the event they attack either the Donbass or Russia.
The videos, which appeared on the Internet last week, show a significant number of Russian combat helicopters heading to the coast of the Sea of Azov. The point of destination for the helicopters was not disclosed.
In another video, one can see a group of Russian military helicopters flying from the Krasnodar region in Southern Russia to the Crimea. Reportedly, the helicopters will be deployed in the north of the peninsula.
The emergence of high-performance helicopters in the Crimea comes as another indicator of the strategic insight and capabilities that Moscow will be able to use in any of the likely military scenarios, in which Russia will be forced to respond to any aggressive action that Ukraine may take against Donbass.
Russia has repeatedly emphasized that Moscow did not harbor aggressive plans against any country, but the West continued spreading false information about Russia's alleged actions to prepare an invasion of Ukraine.