Three brigades of US army in Europe have no chances against Russia

Chinese website SunNews published a scathing commentary that mocked US publications about the imminent mobilization of US troops in Europe on NATO's eastern flank.

According to website, which published the translation of the commentary, in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, the US Command in Europe would first scramble fighter aircraft of the US Air Force to ensure air supremacy on NATO's eastern flank that stretches from the Baltic Sea and Poland to the borders of Ukraine. Afterwards, the 173rd US Airborne Brigade will swiftly be mobilised and landed at key points in the Baltic region. Armored mechanised units of the US Army stationed in Germany will then move to NATO's eastern borders.

The US Army did not have one single tank in Europe before 2014, when Russia reunited with Crimea. Nowadays, the US has a tank brigade of M1A2 Abrams tanks. In addition, an army aviation brigade and a long-range missile launcher were stationed in Germany. As soon as security problems in border areas emerge, US troops will be sent there immediately.

It is worthy of note that the American military will not be able to deploy any additional troops on the eastern flank, because the logistics systems of both Poland and Ukraine will not be able to support a larger number of US troops. The Polish army is currently focused on the border with Belarus. To crown it all, it will cost the United States tens of billions of dollars to upgrade logistics and roads in Ukraine.

The US military tend to first stop the conflict and then wait for reinforcement before launching a counterattack. However, according to Rand research center, the three brigades of US troops in Europe and one in Poland should be deployed in Ukraine in order to be able to show real influence on the outcome of the conflict.

At the same time, even if the US Air Force manages to achieve air supremacy (which is unlikely), the US military will not be able to defeat the Russian ground forces. The only thing that American and Ukrainian troops can expect is an early evacuation across the Dnieper, so as not to be surrounded by Russian mechanized forces.

The United States can technically send all of its 18 heavy armored mechanized brigades to participate in a hypothetical war. However, it will take the US military at least three months to deploy them in Europe. This time will be enough for the Russian army to take a solid defensive position.

Western officials already say that Russia has allegedly gathered up to 175,000 troops at the border with Ukraine. What can three or four US/NATO brigades do to counter them?
The United States, the UK, France, Germany plus all of the above nine NATO countries can form no more than eight brigades as rapid deployment forces that will not be able to stop the Russian army either.

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