Russia and Turkey may clash in northern Syria in the coming days

Russian helicopters were spotted near the town of Al-Bab in the Syrian province of Aleppo yet again, the Voenny Obozrevatel Telegram channel wrote, posting pictures of the Russian military helicopters that apparently look like Ka-52 Alligator helicopters.

This is a second report indicating that Russia intensifies its activities in Syria near the borders with Turkey as Ankara allegedly works on a military operation in the Arab Republic. 

On November 1, six helicopters and one aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces were seen at the airbase in the city of Al-Qamishli in northern Syria. 

In late October, the Russian Aerospace Forces and the government forces of official Damascus conducted major military exercises in northern Syria. The war games were held in the Tal Tamar region in the north-west of Hasakah Province. No further details were reported. 

The region of the city of Tal Tamar in northern Syria is believed to be one of the main directions for the attack by the Turkish army and Turkey-controlled criminal groups. The Turkish leadership has not made a decision to invade Syria yet.

However, RIA Novosti reported, citing its own sources, that Turkey may launch a military operation against the Kurdish-Arab formations of Syrian Democratic Forces on November 2.

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