Special operation in St. Petersburg: Terrorists destroyed

Source: Fotodom/Kommersant

As a result of the special operation in St. Petersburg on August 17, 29-year-old Zalim Shebzukhov was destroyed.

The fighter was the leader of a criminal group from Kabardino-Balkaria Republic. The group was a cell in international terrorist organization "Caucasus Emirate" (banned in Russia).

Two other militants were also destroyed in the special operation, RIA Novosti reports.

In total, four terrorists were neutralized  as a result of a special operation on Leninsky  Prospekt in St. Petersburg. They were said to be involved in a number of terrorist attacks.

According to the National Anti-Terrorist Committee, the apartment, in which the militants were hiding,  was blocked by FSB special forces.

Three terrorists have already been identified. They are Zalim Shezbukhov, Astemior Sheriev and Vyacheslav Nyrov. The individuals were on a federal wanted list and served as the leaders of terrorist groups operating on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria Republic.

Several improvised explosive devices, automatic weapons and ammunition were found on the site of the special operation.  

No civilians or law enforcement officers were hurt during the special operation. The tenants of the apartment building were allowed to return to their homes.


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