At least 129 Ukrainian soldiers surrender to Donetsk militia

At least 129 soldiers and fighters of the National Guard of Ukraine surrendered to the militia in the village of Starobeshevo, the Donetsk region.

"In the militia-controlled settlement of Starobeshevo, the Donetsk region, 129 Ukrainian servicemen and National Guard fighters voluntarily surrendered in the morning on August 27," representatives of headquarters of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk told RIA Novosti.

The Ukrainian soldiers laid down their arms and went out to the militias carrying white flags, reports.

According to the militia, during the night battles in the suburbs of Donetsk, the Ukrainian army lost 25 men in killed and wounded. The Ukrainian troops also lost two armored personnel carriers, a tank and an ammunition depot. Militiamen destroyed four Grad multiple rocket launchers, two tanks and two armored vehicles, representatives of the headquarters of the republic said.

In the Luhansk region - near the village of Valuiskoye - the militia disabled five vehicles with ammunition. According to the militia, eight Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the battles. In total, on August 27, the Ukrainian troops lost five tanks, seven armored vehicles, four multiple rocket launchers Grad, two ammunition depots and five vehicles.

In April, the Kiev authorities started military operations against the Ukrainian citizens in the Donbass, who disagreed with the outcome of the February coup in the country. According to the UN, more than 2,000 civilians were killed, about 5,000 were injured and over 300,000 were displaced as a result of criminal actions of the Kiev government.

On August 21, CyberBerkut hackers posted interesting information on the net exposing actual losses of the Ukrainian army during the military operation in eastern Ukraine. According to them, from June 20 to August 15, according to reports from Ukrainian military officials, the militia seized from the Ukrainian Army 65 T-64 tanks, 69 infantry fighting vehicles, 39 BTR vehicles,  24 Grad multiple launchers and a lot of other weapons.

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