Gruesome photos supposedly show corpses of Assad regime victims


A team of war crimes experts said that it had received strong evidence to prove the killings of at least 11,000 prisoners in Syrian prisons by supporters of Bashar Assad.

The photos of tortured people leaked on the Internet, CNN and The Guardian said.

"There is clear evidence of systematic torture and killing of detained persons by the agents of the Syrian government," say the experts, who published the 31-page report.

The photos of brutal murders, allegedly committed by the regime of Bashar al-Assad, were posted on the net by someone codenamed "Caesar." It was said that he had previously worked in the Syrian military police as a photographer. According to him, orders for the murders were coming from top officials. He would take pictures of 50 bodies a day on average. According to reports, Caesar uploaded more than 50,000 images on the Internet.

The group of experts includes six international prosecutors. Their investigation is funded from Qatar. Desmond de Silva, one of the experts leading the investigation, said that he had no reasons to question Caesar's words.

Prosecutors said they intended to deliver their report to the International Tribunal.

The evidence supposedly indicates that the regime of Bashar al-Assad was exterminating people on an industrial scale. The report was published a few days before Geneva-2 conference and about a day after Bashar al-Assad said he intended to remain president.


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