Kingpin Grandpa Hassan killed in Moscow

An unidentified individual killed crime boss Aslan Usoyan, aka Grandpa Hassan, in the center of Moscow. The criminal lord died on the way to hospital.

Grandpa Hassan was shot near Carriage Row restaurant, located on Povarskaya Street. The wounded mafia mob was rushed to hospital, but he died soon afterwards. No details of the accident have been reported.

Grandpa Hassan became a victim of attempted assassination in 2010. The kingpin and his guard were wounded. Usoyan was wounded in the stomach, whereas his bodyguard suffered injuries to the chest and left arm. Originally it was reported that Grandpa Hassan died on the way to hospital, but this information was later denied.

Aslan Usoyan  aka Grandpa Hassan is an ethnic Kurdish Yezidi mobster and thief in law began his career operating in Georgia, continued in Moscow,Ural, Siberia, Uzbekistan, Krasnodar, Sochi, and other parts of ex-USSR.

Starting in 2007, Usoyan was embroiled in a gang war with Georgian mobster Tariel Oniani, who was seeking to reestablish himself in Moscow. Several of Usoyan's top lieutenants were killed including the Armenian national Alek Minalyan, a man allegedly in charge of extorting construction firms working on the 2014 Winter Olympics. In July 2008 police raided Oniani's yacht as a meeting took place amongst the criminal leaders in an attempt to settle the conflict. Usoyan was not however amongst those detained. He later gave an interview to a newspaper, denying the stories of escalating violence and stated that "We are a peaceful people and don't bother anybody, we are for peace in order to prevent lawlessness"




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