Minimum salaries in EU and Russia: €1,999 and €160 respectively

The lowest minimum salary in the European Union can be found in Bulgaria - 261 euros.

Luxembourg has been the leader in terms of the largest minimum salary in the EU with 1,999 euros. In Russia, the minimum salary will make up 160 euros from May 1.

EU's absolute outsider in terms of minimum salary is Bulgaria with €261 as of January 2018. Next comes Lithuania (€400), Romania (€408), Latvia (€430), Hungary (€445), Croatia (€462), the Czech Republic (€478), Slovakia (€480), Estonia (€500) and Poland (€503).

Next comes the group, which includes Portugal (€677), Greece (€684), Malta (€748), Slovenia (€843) and Spain (€859).

In western countries of the continent salaries are completely different: €1,401 in the UK, €1,498 in Germany and France, €1,563 in Belgium, €1,578 in the Netherlands, €1,614 in Ireland. The absolute leader is Luxembourg, where one receives the minimum salary of 1,999 euros per month.

It is worth noting that the minimum salary in the United States makes up €1,048 euros per month as of January 2018.


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