
Large factory opens in Ivanovo region

A factory for the production of thermal insulating materials has started working in the Ivanovo region. The project in the town of Teikovo - one of the largest in the region - was implemented by JSC Teplant. The factory was opened by Minister for Construction and Housing of Russia Mikhail Men, Governor of the Ivanovo region Pavel Konkov and company CEO Yuri Vertoprakhov.

"As far as I know Pavel Konkov in person, he comes from the economic bloc, where he had been working for a long time. This means that he must know real problems and aspirations. For him, economy is not an abstraction. He did not come to the region from a corporation. He chaired it having experience in the field of economic development, - Ivan Ognev, the head of the regional policy of Skolkovo Fund told Pravda.Ru. - I think that his work is built with an eye to long-term process and strategic result."

The Interagency Council on the Distribution of Productive Forces and Investment in the Ivanovo region supported the project. The authorities provide for constant organizational support and tax benefits. The regional government assists other investors in the creation and expansion of production capacity. Opening new factories in the region has become a regular event during the recent years. There are several projects being developed.

"Clearly, the state must support current projects that require significant financial investments, especially against the backdrop of decline in the inflow of capital from abroad and the growth of the outflow of capital. Public support is very important today for any investment," director of Payment Systems center, professor of monetary relations and monetary policy of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Svetlana Krivoruchko told Pravda.Ru.

The implementation of industrial projects is beneficial to all residents. It is no coincidence that at the last election, voters nearly unanimously supported such policy of the regional government. More than 80 percent voted for Pavel Konkov.

"Our president has a very high ranking, and if it was Putin, who appointed  the currently incumbent governor for the position of acting governor, then it means that people listen to president's decisions. Competition in economy and in politics is a positive aspect, because it allows to focus the program of candidates clearly. I believe that in this case, in the Ivanovo region, there were no problems. Konkov's  program and specific actions are understandable, as they form a strategy for the development of the region," Ivan Ognev said. 

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