Ivanovo enters the finals of European Youth Capital contest

The city of Ivanovo has reached the final of the contest for the prestigious title of  the European Youth Capital. Lithuania's Vilnius, Bulgaria's Varna and the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca will struggle for the honorary title together with the Russian city. In total, 12 cities of Europe presented their bids for the contest.

Ivanovo takes part in the contest under the motto "Pulse of Youth." The campaign logo for "Ivanovo - European Youth Capital 2015" is a green birch leaf, symbolizing youth, energy and talented youth of the Ivanovo region. Ivanovo is proud of many projects related to young people.

Noteworthy, the initiative to participate in the contest was born in the environment of active youth - it was not an order issued by the authorities.

The authorities provide only the organizational support for the bidding committee.

The winner will be announced in November during the official ceremony in Slovenia's Maribor.

During the presentation of the bid, the Ivanovo delegation presented the achievements of the city in all youth areas. The delegation showed a presentation video of the city and described the activities conducted within the framework of the contest.

This is a second attempt of the city to win the title of the European Youth Capital. A year ago, the city came to the finals, but lost the fight to the Greek Thessaloniki.

The European Youth Capital is a status given to a European city for a period of one year. The contest is organized by the European Youth Forum - an independent organization led by youth. When selecting the finalists, the judges, including representatives of European high schools, public organizations, and the Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament, pay attention to youth employment, cultural and sports activities in a city.

Obtaining the EYC status, the city realizes new ideas, innovative projects with youth and becomes a role model for the future development of other European cities.

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