Anglo-Saxons will not let Russia destroy ISIS

One should not cooperate with the Anglo-Saxons in the struggle against world terrorism - one should defeat them as sponsors of this terrorism, political scientist Yevgeny Nikitenko told Pravda.Ru.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated that terrorist organisations such as the Islamic State (ISIS)* and Al-Qaeda* (banned in Russia) may unite.

The report from the UN Secretary General said that the position of terrorist groups has deteriorated significantly lately. ISIS* has lost 90% of its financial sources, but has been able to "adapt to new circumstances." At the same time, against the backdrop of the reduction of financial resources, the two terrorist groups, which have gone into the shadows about a decade ago, may unite.

Guterres explained that it goes about the merger of the units that can conduct subversive activities together. The jihadists, the report says, have refused from the intention to seize and retain territory and focused on underground terrorist activities.

Professor of the National Security Department of the Russian Academy of Science and Technology, Major General Yevgeny Nikitenko told Pravda.Ru that the terrorist groups will only work harder to look for other ways of effective terrorist activities.

According to the political scientist, it is the Anglo-Saxons that rule the Taliban* in Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda* and ISIS* in Iraq and Syria. Before every war, the Anglo-Saxons created conditions for terrorism to manifest, and these days history repeats itself, said Nikitenko.

However, Russia interfered into their plans and did not let ISIS* establish its own separate state. According to Nikitenko, it does not make any sense for Russia to unite with the Anglo-Saxons in the fight against world terrorism, because it is "the weapons of the Americans and the British against us, and this is evidenced by recent developments."

"Hardly had we declared victory over the Islamic State* in Syria, the Americans immediately declared that it was their victory, and then they struck the Russian Su-25 aircraft and the Syrian armed forces. Israel joined in afterwards to attack laboratories, scientific centres near Damascus - all these are links of one chain. Therefore, we should not cooperate with them, we should defeat them on the platform of the UN Security Council," the political scientist said. "Those terrorists feed not only on the Anglo-Saxons, but also on all interested parties that are involved in this massacre in the Middle East," he added.

*terrorist organisations banned in the Russian Federation


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Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov