Black widows return to Russia from Syria and Iraq

Russia welcomes back women and children from Syria and Iraq. As many as 90 people have returned to Russia since August of this year. On November 12, terrorists' families from the liberated city of Raqqa returned to Moscow. Many in Russia believe that "black widows" will create a terrorist network in Russia, and they will raise their children to become suicide bombers.

Abd Salam Ali, a spokesman for the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union party in Russia, says that "these are the people who did not take part in hostilities, who were not involved in committing bloody crimes." Moreover, one should bear in mind the fact that it was a voluntary decision of women and children to return to Russia.

Internet bloggers believe, though, that those women had voluntarily left to the territory of the Caliphate to give birth to children of Jihad. As they return to Russia, they return as terrorists, or at least mothers of terrorists. Interestingly, those women will not be subject to criminal persecution in Russia. "Terrorists' wives are even more insane than terrorists themselves. There is no reason to believe that those women have no Jihad in their heads. They will raise their kids teaching them Jihad, and their children will become excellent warriors of the Caliphate in 15-20 years," a blogger wrote.

Leyla Ayubova, chairwoman of the Council of Chechen regional youth movement "Dialogue", explained to Pravda.Ru, that the work with wives and widows of militants begins at the time when they return home on an airplane." It goes about natives of the Chechen Republic, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

"There are no fears for anyone, there will not be any provocations. We conduct this work under the strict guidance of the head of the Chechen Republic. We find their relatives and watch their rehabilitation process. Psychologists work with those women's children, a positive atmosphere is created in general," said the activist. "Children are not guilty of anything. They see peaceful life, where everyone is one big family. They see mutual respect and support, and this support destroys ideas of terrorism in them," she added.

According to the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, more than 40 terrorist attacks were prevented in Russia in 2016, 140 militants were killed, 900 members of terrorist organisations and their accomplices were detained. Russian special services know how to work in this area.

Lyuba Lulko (Stepushova)

Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

Author`s name
Lyuba Lulko