Black America rebels against white?

In the United States, the decision of the grand jury not to indict the police officer, who fatally  shot a teenager in Ferguson, may spark protests across largest US cities, RIA Novosti reports.

Respectable US publications, commenting on the situation in Ferguson, note that the consequences of the death of black teenager Michael Brown were no less bitter than the fact of his murder.

According to The New York Times, protests on Monday evening swept across the United States from Los Angeles to New York. Thousands of people took part in the riots, CBS News reports. In most cities, the protests were peaceful. However, acts of vandalism and looting were reported in a number of locations.

In Chicago, according to The Chicago Tribune, about 200 demonstrators gathered outside the police building. Many of them had guns, but the protesters did not clash with police.

It is expected that the protests will continue on Tuesday. In particular, protest actions have been planned in Louisville (CA), Topeka (Kansas) and several cities in Oregon.

According to Ferguson National Response Network, at least 120 US cities and towns will support Ferguson protesters.

On August 9, white police officer Darren Wilson shot 18-year-old African-American teenager Michael Brown. Details of the incident still remain unknown. On Monday, the jury refused to bring charges against Wilson. Protests sparked immediately afterwards.

Pravda.Ru asked expert opinion from chief researcher at the Institute of the USA and Canada, Doctor of Economics, Vladimir Vasiliev.

According to the expert, the problem of racism in the United States still exists, although it took different forms.

"In America, the principle of local, regional self-sufficiency dominates, it is officially approved in the US Constitution. Municipal authorities have a lot of power. It is hard to say on which grounds they pick personnel and on what grounds municipalities base their policies.  There are no strict standards at this point. The fact that police officers are mostly white than black, is largely connected with politics and economy. Cities, municipalities, local authorities are an oasis of stability. There are "warm offices" there, where people receive guaranteed income, where they serve as a part of society. All municipalities are funded by the state budget, they have permanent funding. That is, the people who work for the government at a municipal level, feel more secure. That is why they pick their own people there," said Vasiliev.

When asked about the discrimination of racial minorities in the United States, the expert said that, of course, in America, all kinds of racial discrimination were legally abolished back in the 1960s, during the fight for civil rights. In real America, this type of discrimination has taken economic forms. Economic discrimination is particularly noticeable in residential areas.  White people live in rich areas, whereas African Americans live in ghettos, because they can not afford a house.

"America's answer was simple. They started settling the poor in the areas, where life is cheaper. In America, there are notions of suburban settlements or urban communities. It is believed that a person, who enters such a community, is supposed to somehow settle there and become a part of that community. If this is a predominantly white community, an African American begins to realize that it is difficult to establish social ties or start a relationship. His children can not make friends with other children in a white neighborhood. That's why people settle closer to people of their rank. The skin color principle is the decisive factor. It is the color of the skin that defines comfort," the expert said.

The expert does not believe that the Ferguson riots may spark standoff between the white and the black America, because today everything is connected with Washington and Obama. "The outcome of the elections showed that the Republicans have a clear image of the party of the white majority. The whites have won, they have asserted their authority. There was a racial factor in the campaign that was conducted against Obama. One may say that the power of the minority is over with," said the expert.

"In this situation, it is possible that the situation in Ferguson is the result of Obama's policy.  The most important factor was the fact that on November 20 he announced his decrees on migration. The illegal immigrants, whom he wanted to legalize, are mostly non-white individuals. Secondly, Obama positions himself as the guarantor of social peace. In America, in low social ranks, the socio-economic situation is difficult," Vasiliev said. 


Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov