Israeli atrocity under US patronage in Gaza is genocide

By Ali Ashraf Khan

The Israeli air force for more than 60 hours was bombarding the Gaza strip with a short break only during the visit of Egyptian Prime Minister, who had come to defuse the situation from escalating on Friday to visit the victims of Israel's recent aggression in hospitals in Gaza. Muslims all over the world are enraged to see the complicity of Muslim rulers in this hour of Israeli genocide? Even Egyptian Prime Minister was shocked to see the wounds of the civilians hit by Israel bombs and calling it an outright aggression. He was promising that Egypt will not stand by.

After he left Gaza the air strikes continued full blast with the declared aim to destroy Hamas military installations and especially those ramps from where Hamas is launching the long-range missiles and 'teach them a lesson' as to who is the boss. Despite the ongoing Israeli rage, Hamas managed to launch more than 340 missiles into Israel according to data given by the Israeli army hitting Tel Aviv twice and even reaching Jerusalem thus reminding the Israeli population who used to feel very safe and secure, that war can reach them in no time and that there is no security for anyone.

The number of civilian victims in Gaza is mounting and Israel is now mobilizing 75000 reserve soldiers and threatening for a ground attack on Gaza. If this is going to happen and the world will not stop it, Gaza might be flattened and the number of civilian death in one of the most densely populated areas in the world will soar so that the aggression might take the dimension of genocide. Though the numbers and weaponry of Israeli army are overwhelming and their 'victory' - whatever that would mean- seems imminent this could be a wrong evaluation also keeping in view the defeat they received at the hands of Hezbollah in Lebanon. The very fact that Hamas despite the ceaseless pounding of Israeli air force managed to launch 340 missiles some of them reaching the heart of Israel is in a way a victory for Hamas and it will create respect and admiration for them.

It clearly shows that an Israeli ground attack will not be a Sunday walk along the beach and given Hamas resolve by people of Gaza who will close the lines behind them and join Hamas in the final fight: if we have to die let's die fighting. Not caring for US Congress extending support to Israeli aggression, which exposes the real face of perpetrators of clash of civilization, genocide and war crimes. Muslim leaders not supporting Hamas at this point of time will face the consequences after an ultimate resolution of the crises.

This is more so that the time chosen by Israeli for this aggression is the month of Muharram when Shias and many Muslims remember the sacrifice of Imam Hussein against the forces of evil that is until today inspiring Muslims to do the same. One outcome of the current crisis might be not only a closing of the ranks between Hamas and the Palestinian population; it might result in a closing of ranks in the Arab world as such. The so-called Arab spring has brought governments into power that hardly can turn their backs on the conflict in Palestine. The Egyptian president Mursi has made this clear and the Tunisian Foreign Minister has not only condemned Israel but said; "What Israel is doing is not legitimate and is not acceptable at all," Tunisian Foreign Minister Rafik Abdesslem said as he visited Haniyeh's wrecked headquarters.

"It does not have total immunity and is not above international law." The emergency meeting of the Arab League today will show the direction the future course could take. For the Palestinian political power struggle the Israeli aggression will mean a defeat for al Fattah and Mehmod Abbas, who belongs to Bah'ai religion and has been pleading for negotiations with Israel to stab in the back of Hamas. Despite all their past US friendly gestures and efforts there is no Palestinian state by today and Israel is constructing new settlements on Arab soil every day. Fattah is proven wrong now and the result will be its political sidelining. Hamas has to its credit the visit of the Amir of Qatar and the financial support he had promised to them. It is the new leading power in Palestine. All other Muslim countries of the world will have to come forward and put pressure on US to stop Israel from committing genocide by attacking and killing women and children otherwise OIC should unanimously condemn US and Israel and pass resolutions of war crimes in their parliaments. UN Security Council is a toothless lion that only works as a second fiddler to United States. 

How can the disaster of a genocidal war in Gaza be prevented? In last 4 days they have bombed non-military targets in Gaza killing 41 Palestinians, among them 28 civilians including eight children and a pregnant woman, had been killed in Gaza since Israel began operations. Three Israeli civilians were killed by a rocket on Thursday. The world will have to make a choice. One way to put Israel into its place might be the decision of the UN to support the demand for an independent Palestinian state. This would give the Palestinians security and a standing in the world to speak for themselves. It definitely would contribute to peace in the region and the World. While the Israeli and US governments are calling the bid 'unilateral' and dangerous, in fact the UN, World Bank and IMF say that the Palestinians are ready to run their own state, if only the occupation would end. All governments of the world if interested in peace and stability in the region should support this demand to give Palestine full fledged Membership of UNO without mincing the words to please unruly super power and their cohorts who are surviving on the crutches of Arab wealth and Oil.

Ali Ashraf Khan

Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov