
Armed groups in Syria violate ceasefire

Armed groups in Syria violate ceasefire

Prensa Latina

Armed groups in Syria today tested the fragile ceasefire agreed by the Government and the UN initiative that yesterday faced bloody violations.

After its adoption by the UN Security Council and acceptance by the Government of Damascus, which did not exclude the right of reply, terrorists exploded two car bombs in a crowded residential area of ​​the capital and the city of Daraa in the south.

The explosion of a car bomb in al-Zuhour community in the areas of Daff al-Shouk, southeast of the capital, killed 10 people and wounded about 30, while inhabitants were celebrating the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha.

In the city of Daraa, near a checkpoint in the area of the telephone company, another vehicle exploded and left 11 injured, some in extreme gravity, according to reports from the national hospital in this province.

Other actions rotated near dal-Thanawiye in Harasta, in the Damascus countryside, leaving several terrorists killed or wounded, according to the Syrian news agency, SANA.

In that same province, in the towns of Douma and Erbin, armed groups attacked government troops and committed acts of vandalism against civilians and their property, added the agency.

In the north of the country, in the province of Aleppo and namesake capital, actions by five groups were answered by the Syrian Arab Army.

The outbreaks occurred near the Queen City theater, XO factory, the turn at the al-Turkawi and mosques al-Badawi and al-Ramousa.

The rebels also attacked government agents at the electricity company and a center near Tharwat al-road in Khan al-Assad, in rural areas of this province. Several insurgents were killed or wounded in these actions, including al-Saeed Okla Kasimi, a Libyan, aged 43, reported SANA.

Also, in another action, government officials responded to an attack on the zone-dal Siryan, in an action in which large quantities of arms and ammunition were confiscated, including two snipers' rifles, two RPG rocket launchers with six charges, six AK-47 rifles, grenades and Molotov cocktails, among others.

Early during the day here in Damascus, new unknown actions were carried out against the mistreated truce, at least not heard about in the capitals of the west, being targeted in recent weeks with bombs, while there were no explosions, due to actions in response from the government.

Translated from the Portuguese version by:

Lisa Karpova


Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey