
UN calls for calm and condemns film that offends Islam

UN calls for calm and condemns film that offends Islam

UN calls for calm and condemns film that offends Islam

In a statement, the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, rejected the film "The innocence of Muslims" because it is "full of hate" and seems "to have been designed deliberately to sow intolerance and bloodshed." He also condemned in the strongest terms the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

On Thursday, the secretary general of the United Nations Organization (UNO), Ban Ki-moon, condemned the film "The innocence of Muslims" that makes fun of Islam and that has unleashed a wave of violent protests against various diplomatic headquarters of the USA.

In a statement, Ban rejected "the hateful film that seems to have been designed deliberately to sow intolerance and bloodshed."

He also condemned in the strongest terms the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

The note said that the international body "rejects the defamation of religion in any form. Meanwhile, nothing justifies the brutal violence that occurred yesterday in Benghazi."

For its part, the Security Council "reaffirmed that these acts are unjustifiable beyond their motivations, when and by whom they were committed."

On Tuesday, an Islamist armed group attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi where Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other diplomats were killed.

The Islamists were protesting against the film "The innocence of Muslims," a film that is criticized for questioning Muhammad. Protests took place in Egypt, Palestine, Iran, Iraq and Libya.

Stevens' death also led to the decision of U.S. President Barack Obama to send two warships to the Arab country to strengthen the security of that country's representatives.

Everything about this movie smells to high heaven, from the ever changing identity of the creator, to the dubbed in dialogue, to the clueless or possibly deceptive cast members.  It smells of some special operation of an "intelligence" agency that went wrong.  Two plus two does not equal five.
The Quran and other Islamic teachings are crystal clear: Muhammad is never to be portrayed in a sketch or a painting, much less played by an actor in a crudely filmed video.

Clearly, the film was a deliberate provocation.  It is also quite clear that it was meant to denigrate Islam rather than to be informative or even entertaining.

Honest world leaders should condemn the entire thing and take appropriate action.


Translated from the Spanish version and appended by:

Lisa Karpova


Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey