
Syrian crisis closer and closer to anarchy

Syrian crisis closer and closer to anarchy

The Syrian crisis has entered a new phase. There has been a positive trend among the opposition to conduct pragmatic negotiations with the authorities, and "irreconcilable" actually demonstrated their ideological and tactical similarities to a terrorist organization. Turning to terrorism, they direct attacks at Alawites, Christians and threatening civil aviation.

On Monday, in Jaramani - Damascus area, inhabited by Christians, a car was blown up. Five are dead, nearly 30 wounded, among them women and children. This is the third attack in Jaramani last week.

Starting Tuesday, as rebels said, they intend to shoot down civilian planes traveling to Damascus and Aleppo. According to them, the Assad regime uses them to deliver military supplies from the allies. For these purposes the armed opposition has 20 MANPADS, that, as recently reported by the regional media, were obtained by the rebels through Turkey from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The rebels have promised to carry out terrorist attacks against civilian airports.

The Russian Foreign Ministry urged Russians not to travel to Syria - for the second time since the Syrian conflict. The government recommends that Russians who live in this country use "safe exit routes."

Moscow turned to the capitals whose leaders may influence the armed opposition, called for work on militants to stop those threats: "If the threats of the Syrian army are implemented in practice, full responsibility for the consequences will fall not only on the direct perpetrators, but also on their supporters". The Foreign Ministry said that the threat was "absolutely unacceptable" and violated the Chicago Convention of 1944 "On International Civil Aviation." The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the Syrian armed opposition now is not much different from a known terrorist organization. "From a moral and legal point of view it means the critical closeness of the opposition to the "red line" behind which its actions are no different from the crimes of "Al- Qaeda."

Russia, as before, is engaged in a dialogue with all parties to the Syrian conflict. On Tuesday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov discussed the situation with the Russian Ambassador to Syria Riad Haddad. The conversation was about a broad national dialogue, as prescribed by the Geneva communique "Action Group" and plan of Kofi Annan, UN and the Arab League Special Envoy, who held the post until September 1, 2012. Moscow is still confident that the two documents have a necessary and sufficient basis for a settlement. So far, no permanent members of the UN Security Council or the new UN Special Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi and PAH were able to offer anything more sensible and pragmatic like an end to violence, the negotiations with all parties to the conflict, or the creation of a transitional government composed of  representatives of the regime and the opposition.  

According to official reports, the Syrian authorities agree to the implementation of the Annan Plan and the Geneva communique, but there is no peaceful process. The regime cannot stop the armed conflict in the situation when militants do not want to surrender.

On Tuesday, September 4, talks were held in Moscow between Bogdanov and the representatives of Syria's internal opposition that, according to the events of recent days, is very important in the settlement. The delegation included representatives of the "Coalition forces for peaceful change," a parliamentary opposition. Russia shows respect to this part of the opposition. The program of their stay in Moscow includes meetings at the Foreign Ministry, the Federation Council, and the media. Once again Russia explained to the opposition that it is time to negotiate with the government.

Another Syrian opposition organization - the National Coordination Committee - recently launched an initiative similar to the Annan plan and the Geneva communique, which pleased Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. "The initiative of the Committee meets the interest of an early recovery from the crisis and prevention of growth of the number of victims," ​​he said.

The Syrian crisis has entered a new phase: the opposition shows a positive trend for conducting pragmatic negotiations with the authorities, and the "irreconcilable" actually demonstrated their ideological and tactical similarities to a terrorist organization.

The West, meanwhile, continues to support the opposition. Here two things are dangerous: the attempts to create a buffer zone in Syria for refugees headed into the neighboring states, and the search for chemical weapons, the existence of which recently was officially declared by Damascus. If this and other projects are implemented, the collapse of Syria will become a reality.

In this situation, the position of the new special representative of the UN and the Arab League against Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, who assumed his post on September 1, is very important. His plan of action is unknown, but some of his approaches to the Syrian settlement are obvious. First, he made it clear that a military solution to the crisis is not acceptable, "Military intervention in Syria would mean the failure of diplomatic efforts. For me, this option does not exist, and, frankly, it will not exist tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." According to the TV channel Al-Arabiya, Brahimi, who had a consultation with the Arab countries, has assured that the state is not considering the introduction of its troops to Syria.

Second, he believes that the government is responsible for the situation and implementation of a settlement plan more than the opposition. He said that the Syrian government needs to meet the demands of the people who want change. And, finally, Brahimi has determined his attitude towards the armed opposition that immediately after his appointment began to demand from him a tough stance against Assad. He told the opposition that he was not going to join their movement. He added that he was working for two international organizations - the UN and the Arab League, and did not speak the same language as the opposition.

In a BBC interview the Algerian diplomat, speaking about the challenges in front of him, said that he knew how hard it was, nearly impossible. However, he added that he was not saying that it was impossible, but "nearly" so. He stated that he agreed to this position with his eyes open, without any illusions. In addition, he expressed confidence that there will be many resolutions. The most important thing now is to stop the bloodshed.

Alexandrina Chistenkaya


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Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov