Adnan Azzouz, president of the General Federation of Trade Unions of the Syrian Arab Republic sent for CGTB the declaration to the executive bureau of the sister entity, denouncing "the aggression by armed gangs supplied with weapons by the colonialist countries." Terrorist acts were committed against the Syrian people, workers and students in particular, detaching the two bombs that killed 55 people and injured hundreds in Damascus on May 10th.
We share an important document that, once again, witnesses the heroic resistance of workers, the people and Government of Syria to the criminal imperialist interference in that country.
Workers of the world struggling against oppression and tyranny:
To the free and honorable peoples of the world:
Terrorist groups armed, funded and financed by the reactionary regimes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey and the colonialist countries such as the United States, France and England, expand their crimes reaching all Syrian citizens and infrastructure of the Syrian society in which the Syrian people paid for with devotion and sacrifice for a long time. Dozens of innocent civilians have given their lives every day as victims of these crimes that are objectionable from the human, moral and religious point of view.
These aggressive circles sponsoring, arming and funding these gangs do not hide their evil objectives behind these crimes. It is clear and there is no room for misunderstanding, that the main objective of the obscurantist forces of aggression is to put Syria forever on its knees and remove it from the trench of resistance against the colonial project, of the condition of a country fighting the Middle East redivision project in the fragile sectarian and ethnic entities. The intent is to perpetuate the dominance of the racist Zionist entity in the region. This is the Satanic essence of the project called the Greater Middle East.
It has become clear that some of the slogans of these obscurantist forces are just pretexts and false and empty arguments behind which they hide. Contrary to what their media says, they have no interest in any kind of transparency, democracy or freedom. The forces of obscurantism that govern Saudi Arabia and Qatar do not even know the meaning of democracy and transparency.
They are countries ruled by gangs and mafias that ally to steal the blessed wealth of other countries. The peoples in those countries do not have the tools or the most basic terms of real democracy. They do not have constitutions, oversight bodies or parliamentarians. At the same time, these governments use every foul means to undermine the struggle of peoples who love justice, peace and freedom, as is the case of Syria.
Honest People of the world,
Syria has already announced and committed to the reforms promised to its people, with the development and modernization of society through all kinds of laws and community relations in line with the needs of human development. All towns and cities testify to relevant policies and procedures consistent with community needs.
The Syrian Arab people guarantee in all their intellectual, political and ideological organizations, their determination to move forward in the challenge to maintain the approach of development and modernization, despite the suffering imposed by the conspiracies and economic sanctions. These reprehensible terrorist crimes will not stop us. We will continue in the course of civilization.
The circle of true friends of Syria expands steadily and has no relationship to those involved in the shedding of Syrian blood gathering in Istanbul, Tunis and Paris. Their hatred will not be able to undermine the victories of the proud Syrian people and their steps toward reform represented in the recent parliamentary elections.
The response of the terrorists to this democratic movement was demonstrated in the horrible crime that hit innocent citizens on the morning of May 10, 2012, with dozens of martyrs and wounded, among them innocent hard working employees, civil servants and student victims of this crime.
The workers of Syria and trade unionists appeal to the consciences of all free and honest people in their firm determination against the instruments of the reactionary colonialist conspiracy to condemn the crimes of murder and darkness committed by terrorist gangs.
Long live the militant solidarity between workers and peoples of the world.
Executive Bureau of the General Federation of Trade Unions of the Syrian Arab Republic
Translated from the Portuguese version by:
Lisa Karpova