
Successful Cuban anti-cancer drug

Successful Cuban anti-cancer drug

Cuban drug improves quality of life of about 65,000 cancer patients

Vidatox, a homeopathic drug, was launched in 2011.

The Cuban drug called Vidatox, differs from some drugs developed in other countries for being able to cross the blood-brain barrier and reach the nucleus of malignant cells.

A Cuban drug made from blue scorpion venom has helped improve the quality of life and survival of more than 65,000 cancer patients in Cuba and abroad. The drug has primarily anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, said Antonio Fraga, director of the state business, Labiofam.

"There are now over 65 thousand patients in Cuba and other countries that have improved their health, helped by the drug made from the blue scorpion toxin" (Rhopalurus junceus), Fraga said to a Cuban newspaper.

He stressed that with this drug, these patients "have improved their quality of life and survival, and there are really surprising cases with Vidatox" he said.

The Labiofam director emphasized that these significant results distinguish the Cuban medicine from those developed in some other countries.

He explained that there is a barrier called the blood-brain barrier in which "nothing cytostatic (anticancer) penetrates, but our product is able to pass through and reach the nucleus of malignant cells."

For her part, the Director of Research and Development for Labiofam, Isabel Gonzalez, told an international news agency that they are currently "working on registering the drug in 81 countries" in order to authorize its use in cancer patients.
Labiofam, which launched this homeopathic medicine to the market in 2011, is currently working on 45 projects against cancer and other diseases.

"Among the most promising anti-tumor lines, it has five peptides (molecules of amino acids) derived and cloned," said Gonzalez.

Labiofam is part of the Scientific Pole, west of Havana (Havana), a score of institutions responsible for producing and selling 141 products, including vaccines and drugs, for 400 million dollars annually, the second largest of the Caribbean island's exports after nickel.


Information of obtaining this medication:


Translated from the Spanish version by:

Lisa Karpova

Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey