Osteoporosis can be avoided, Cuban scientist says

Osteoporosis can be avoided is we prepare the body at an early stage in life, stated Dr. Daisy Navarro, member of the Women's Attention Group for the Menopause stage. Between 15 and 20 years of age, the skeleton, adapts, and on this will depend the future bone health of women, so during  this period it is important to consume foods rich in calcium and to do exercises.

Prensa Latina

Osteoporosis can be avoided is we prepare the body at an early stage in life, stated Dr. Daisy Navarro, member of the Women's Attention Group for the Menopause stage

Between 15 and 20 years of age, the skeleton, adapts, and on this will depend the future bone health of women, so during  this period it is important to consume foods rich in calcium and to do exercises.

They should maintain such conditions to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, no smoking or excess alcohol, especially in fémales, the expert from the National Institute of Endocrinology expressed.

Studies carried out in Cuba show that Cubans between 40 and 59 years are at risk of suffering the disease, which leads to fractures and is a cause for disability and early mortality, Navarro pointed to a panel that took place in Havana, dedicated to the International Day of Action for Women's Health.

It is, therefore, important to assess the risks, among which are the aging process, previous fractures, heredity, low level of consumption of calcium and vitamin D, menopause and low bone mineral density.

Navarro explained that there are advanced treatments to fight the disease.  However, it is best to prevent it, and it is recommended to maintain a balanced diet, an adequate amount of calcium with vitamin D, no smoking, exercising, preventing falls, and avoiding the excessive use of alcohol.

Worldwide, osteoporosis is a major problem of public health, affecting more than 200 million people. It is estimated that the 30-50 percent of postmenopausal women suffer from the condition.

Translated from the Portuguese version by:

Lisa Karpova

Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov