US conducts experiment on survival on Muslim world

The Foreign Ministers of member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have agreed to suspend the membership of Syria in the community. The organization, designed to solve the pressing problems of the Islamic world, only discussed the Syrian issue. The President of Iran tried to identify another enemy, but his opinion was ignored.

On August 14 - 15 in Mecca an emergency meeting of the 57 states - members of the OIC was held, representing a half billion Muslims around the world. The host of the event - King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia - announced that the main task of the forum was overcoming the split in the Islamic world and invited Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the meeting. The King called for "solidarity, tolerance and restraint" and then accused Iran of fomenting instability and maintaining Shiite protests in the Persian Gulf, especially in Bahrain.

In his reply, Ahmadinejad advised the Muslim countries "not to play in the field prepared by the enemy." "I have a question: Who is killing in our region?  Who is fighting against who in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and other countries?" said Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad did not hear an answer to his question. The enemy was found in their ranks- Syria. Since the OIC has no veto power, the decision to suspend the country's membership in the community was taken by a simple majority, and only the delegations of Iran and Algeria voted against.

The statute of the OIC says that the main objectives of the organization are: to promote Islamic solidarity among Member States, seek to eliminate racial discrimination and the elimination of all forms of colonialism, to take the necessary measures to maintain international peace and security to support the struggle of the Palestinian people to regain their rights and release their land; to counter Islamophobia, and support all Muslim nations to protect their rights and interests.

It turns out that the organization designed to position Islam in the world system of values ​​and to counter the aggressive policy of the West, punished its brother in faith without even trying to organize a discussion initiated by the president of Iran. "If Muslim countries recognize that they are in the same boat, and a serious threat comes from the Zionist regime and its owner, they must join forces and form a united front against a common enemy," the newspaper Tehran Times quoted Ahmadinejad.

According to Ahmadinejad, today we are implementing the plan designed by the enemy. Indeed, Islam, after the Second World War and especially after the tragedy of 9/11, is regarded by the United States as the religion that supports terrorism and is interpreted as a challenge to the West, its values ​​of democracy and human rights. For decades, the U.S. formed "vassals" among Muslim countries - yielding exponents of the US-Israeli interests in the region. Today it is Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Those who could not be tamed were moved by the United States to the rank of extremists - fundamentalist or dictators. Many countries are faced with sanctions, invasion, or a change of regime change attempt.

It seems that the U.S. is conducting an experiment on survival on the Muslim world, constantly keeping it in a boiling state. First, the collapse of Yugoslavia under the genocide sauce of Bosnian Muslims, then the creation of semi-state entity of Kosovo that has become a nightmare for Europe. The Islamic world has "swallowed" the invasion of Afghanistan (although all 19 people involved in the attack on the United States were Arabs), then - to Iraq under a veil of fabricated evidence of the existence of chemical weapons, then - the blatant massacre of Libya.

Israel continues its occupation of Palestinian and other Arab lands, conducts the repressive policies in the West Bank and the brutal siege of Gaza. The failure of the Annan plan in Syria indicates that the United States in any case are not interested in reconciling the parties. None of these issues raised by the President of Iran have been considered at the forum.

Why, for example, the delegation of Pakistan was silent when public opinion shows a record number of anti-American sentiments in the country? A recent poll by Pew Research Center (USA) showed that 64 percent of Pakistanis have a negative attitude towards the States. The same question can be asked by the representatives of the ex-Soviet Central Asian republics. At a meeting of the SCO the leaders unequivocally opposed the "Arab spring" at home, why do they keep silent among their co-religionists? And where is the bold Ramzan Kadyrov when the Russian delegation acts as an observer and has a right to vote?

In these difficult times, OIC, tasked to "ensure respect for human dignity, independence and national rights of all Muslim peoples," misses one disaster after another and gets weaker after each failure.

Just recently the attitude was quite different. In 2003, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir at the summit in Kuala Lumpur made a frank analysis of the situation and stated the need to "improve the international image of Islam" and revive its "former beauty." It was suggested to define terrorism as a phenomenon alien to the Islamic religion and impose a ban on suicide bombings. In December of 2005 the summit in Mecca approved the recommendations and agreed to the "10-year strategic plan for the Islamic Revival." Ten billion dollars have been allocated for this program. The revival has resulted in the "Arab spring", the spread of extremism and terrorism, disappointment, despair and destruction of some other Muslims.  

Lyuba Lulko


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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov