Energy drinks can lead to highly abnormal behavior

Irresponsible consumption of Jaguar energy drink pushed a resident of the Omsk region towards committing a crime. The man drank ten cans of Jaguar and then took his 50-year-old mother and 19-year-old live-in girlfriend hostage. The man asked for the release of his brother from prison, where he serves a sentence for theft. The hostages were released safely, but the "terrorist" may now face a prison term of up to 15 years.

Pravda.Ru asked the head of the department of children's narcology of the National Research Center on Narcology, Alexei Nadezhdin, to comment the situation.

"It goes about energy drinks made on the basis of alcohol. In these drinks, high doses of caffeine are combined with alcohol and carbon dioxide. Such drinks are definitely harmful, and they are recognized as such in most countries of the world. They can negatively alter alcoholic intoxication and lead to aggressive and tragic consequences for people with unstable mentality. Their advertising has been limited, and I believe that their circulation should also be substantially restricted. 

"The question of non-alcoholic energy drinks is much more difficult. They consist of caffeine - the main active ingredient - taurine, amino acids and vitamins. Those who support the production of such drinks say that a standard dose of a standard can of a non-alcoholic beverage also contains caffeine, just like a cup of strong coffee. Even a cup of double espresso contains more caffeine. They say that such drinks can help those who have to perform their routine or professional obligations being in a state of fatigue.

"We, narcologists, strongly dislike excessive TV advertising of such drinks and the attention that minor individuals pay to them. However, there are various sources of caffeine - tea, coffee, including energy drinks. We do not see any direct harm from them yet. Critical situations may arise from the consumption of alcohol-based energy drinks, like Jaguar."

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov