Ukraine eyes anti-tank weapons

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko visited "Desna" military range in Ukraine, where he could take a look at Ukraine's latest anti-tank weapons developed by Ukroboronprom

Poroshenko inspected exmples of state-of-the-art anti-tank weapons developed by state-run defense company Ukroboronprom

According to the Ukrainian president, the anti-tank weapons were made with the use of Ukraine-made components and partly using components made by partner companies of Ukraine in the European Union

If Ukroboronprom designed anti-aircraft weapons, President Poroshenko would inspect it immediately to call aviation the biggest threat to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, skeptics say

Poroshenko's visit to the range ground in the Chernigov region did not go without a scandal. During the visit, Poroshenko crashed down on people's deputy Sergei Pashinsky after the latter designated prices for the new weapons in US dollars 

Speaking about the performance of launch vehicles, Pashinsky designated their price in US dollars. "Sergei, I want prices in hryvnia, not in dollars. We do not have prices in dollars. Whoever gives me prices in dollars would be fired," Poroshenko said in front of cameras of several central Ukrainian TV channels. 

When visiting the Desna range ground, Poroshenko also said that the Ukrainian Army was receiving anti-tank missile complexes and guided missiles. Poroshenko thus acknowledged that he used the Minsk accords as a break to equip the army of Ukraine with new weapons