African wildlife at daybreak and sunset

These beautiful photos were made by 47-year-old photographer Mario Moreno during his trips in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. Moreno takes pictures of African wildlife at daybreak and at sunset. These photos were made at the oldest national park of South African Republic - Kruger. All photos: Splash/All Over Press

These beautiful photos were made by 47-year-old photographer Mario Moreno during his trips in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. Moreno takes pictures of African wildlife at daybreak and at sunset. These photos were made at the oldest national park of South African Republic - Kruger. All photos: Splash/All Over Press

These beautiful photos were made by 47-year-old photographer Mario Moreno during his trips in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. Moreno takes pictures of African wildlife at daybreak and at sunset. These photos were made at the oldest national park of South African Republic - Kruger. All photos: Splash/All Over Press

These beautiful photos were made by 47-year-old photographer Mario Moreno during his trips in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. Moreno takes pictures of African wildlife at daybreak and at sunset. These photos were made at the oldest national park of South African Republic - Kruger. All photos: Splash/All Over Press

These beautiful photos were made by 47-year-old photographer Mario Moreno during his trips in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. Moreno takes pictures of African wildlife at daybreak and at sunset. These photos were made at the oldest national park of South African Republic - Kruger. All photos: Splash/All Over Press

These beautiful photos were made by 47-year-old photographer Mario Moreno during his trips in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. Moreno takes pictures of African wildlife at daybreak and at sunset. These photos were made at the oldest national park of South African Republic - Kruger. All photos: Splash/All Over Press

These beautiful photos were made by 47-year-old photographer Mario Moreno during his trips in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. Moreno takes pictures of African wildlife at daybreak and at sunset. These photos were made at the oldest national park of South African Republic - Kruger. All photos: Splash/All Over Press

These beautiful photos were made by 47-year-old photographer Mario Moreno during his trips in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. Moreno takes pictures of African wildlife at daybreak and at sunset. These photos were made at the oldest national park of South African Republic - Kruger. All photos: Splash/All Over Press

These beautiful photos were made by 47-year-old photographer Mario Moreno during his trips in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. Moreno takes pictures of African wildlife at daybreak and at sunset. These photos were made at the oldest national park of South African Republic - Kruger. All photos: Splash/All Over Press

These beautiful photos were made by 47-year-old photographer Mario Moreno during his trips in South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania. Moreno takes pictures of African wildlife at daybreak and at sunset. These photos were made at the oldest national park of South African Republic - Kruger. All photos: Splash/All Over Press