Peter: Vodka vs tecqilla

Your report about the Russian guy trying to cross border with 64 bottles of Vodka prompts me to recall this drama from our Mexican/California border:
Legendary Mexican actor/producer Emelio Fernandez lived in border town Tijuana,  not far from Los Angeles.

In his early days he worked part time as an "extra" in Hollywood. To augment his meager cinema income he evolved a smuggling scheme to get large amounts of Tequila across Tijuana/Caifornia border.

His method was to dress and act like a standard mexican worker and stack his rickettyflat bed truck with dozens of 5 gallon water jugs filled with Tequila. He would announce to the Customs Officer :  "It's Holy Water sir, for the the churches on your side of the border sir".

This ploy worked well until at one crossing, the customs guy  decided to board the truck and pull out one of the jug's corks and taste the "holy" water.

"HEY"! he proclaimed, "THIS AINT NO HOLY WATER...THIS IS TEQUILA !!" Fernandez responded by raising his arms and looking bug eyed skywards, exclaimed, "MIRACLE!"     


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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova